16 Best Free Android Games of 2018

Android knows how to be the game changer for the mobile gaming industry. With the release of free game apps, Android stands out of the crowd like never before in the upcoming year 2018. Mobile gaming is going to loaded soon as the huge amount of Game apps for Android are going to be launched in the near future.

Let’s have a look at the awesome free game apps for this year 2018.

1. Crashlands: 

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Crashland was released in 2016, yet till date, it is counted among the best android games that have ever made. It has an attractive feature that has intergalactic trucker which ends up in a crashed landing on an alien planet. It is comprised of RPG elements for the development of the characters, many items which can be picked to craft, to make it an easy game put it on auto-sort your inventory. 

2. Snow Trial

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This innovative winter trial game is the true love for adventure sports gaming geeks across the globe. The app has exciting snowboard characters who love fun racing and defeating the challenges they are assigned. Choose your favorite character and be a part of this exciting game. Challenge your opponents in the single or multiplayer game and use mad tricks in order to win exciting rewards after winning the challenge.

3. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Image result for game image of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft came to its existence in 2014. This game also belongs to the powerful performers among the best Android games. It is based on the similar concept of Pokemon or Magic. There are a few components of this game offline yet it is majorly available online. Gamers will be able to engage with cloud saving via battle.net which is going to allow the game to be played on a PC or a mobile device.

4. Mine Craft

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Mine Craft is a popular game around the world among the gamers of all the age groups. The game is pretty much in a highlight mode with its PC and console versions. Users can play this game on a multi-player server with the other gamers playing on the same platform. This game has the survival mode where the gamers have to mine their own resources of food which has a creative mode supplying the needed things.

5. Noodlecake Studios
Noodle Cake

Noodlecake studios is a unique development of the Android games. There are a few good titles from the studio includes frame 1 and 2 for puzzle games. Lumino city is most popular for the uniqueness which it has. The game runs as one of the best free game apps to pay once feature. A few clunkers are there yet the utilities are very good.

6. Pokemon Go

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Pokemon Go is an ultimate augmented reality game which exploded the mobile gaming industry and still has not stopped. Its AR feature is similar to the ingress where the user can walk around the real world, catch Pokemon, the battle for Gyms and hit the Pokestops to restock on items. It has crossed all the records for being so popular and widely played around the globe.

7. Riptide GP Series

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The Riptide games are the best racers that Android has a gaming app. The game features good graphics, simple controls, fun tricks and a boost system to help and gain an edge. 

8. Rockstar Games Titles
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Rockstar is a proper and good collection of games, few of them are ports and others are made-for-mobile titles. On the port side users will find classic games like Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City and San Andreas. Bully is and open world adventure game that revolves around a school student. Max Payne mobile, GTA-Liberty city stories and GTA Chinatown wars. Rockstar has always been in the good books, for creating fun and being the best free game app.

9. Rollercoaster Tycoon

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Rollercoaster Tycoon is a port of the classic PC games, this game will have the users building the amusement parks with the features of design, build roller coasters, set up shops and figure out the ways to bring people in.  The original purchase comes with the base game along with the roller coaster Tycoon 2.

10. Square Enix Games

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Square Enix Games is again counted in the best Android Gaming categories, there have been remakes of Final Fantasy 1-7 and 9 (jRPG games). Seven dragon quest games, Chrono Trigger and the chaos rings series to play and they are impressive. Fermium's, such as Final Fantasy, Brave Exvius, and Mobius Final Fantasy are pretty good.

11. Telltale Games

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Telltale Games are the undisputed masters and have a strong episodic adventure game genre. There are many others like The Walking Dead seasons 1,2 and 3 along with the stand alone Michonne  Game, Game of Thrones, Tales from the Borderlands, two Batman games, a Guardians of the Galaxy Game, The Wolf Among Us and Minecraft: Story Mode.

12. The Room Series

Image result for game image of The Room Series

The room series has a big game in its bag, it is the series of escape puzzle games. Each room has a bunch of mysterious objects so the users’ goal will be to solve the puzzles and get out. From room to room user will progress to find the more unique objects and solve the puzzles until the user wins the game.

13. This War of Mine
Image result for game image of This War of Mine

This War of Mine was awarded as the best game in 2015, user leads the crew of civilians in the city of war. It is available with good graphics, good amount of content. However, it has no in-app purchase. A user can start to play at night or in the day whichever it will be the game will bring something different.

14. Titan Quest
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Titan Quest is a former PC game, it is an open RPG with the puzzle and adventure elements. A user will have to create a character, go on the quests, play through the story and much more. It boasts 60 hours of the gameplay, 1200 items to be collected, 30 character classes, 80 species of bad guys and above average few touch controls.

15. Unkilled
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Unkilled is the latest Zombie shooter from MADFINGER Games. Unskilled has replaced Dead Trigger2 as the best Zombie shooter on Android right now. Great graphics are one of the best features and has over 300 missions to complete.

16. Vainglory

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Vainglory is probably the best MOBA games available on Android. The performance of this game is top notch and there are over two dozen characters that a user can unlock. There are no energy bars or other freemium hoops to jump through. Beta version is available that can use the Vulkan API.


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